Curi Tulang. *Sigh*

Monday, January 4, 2010
Current location rite now : Hi-tech computer store havin my computer class
(well, supposed to).
What the heck am I doin rite now : on9-ing my myspace, neopets n updating my blog here(when I'm seriously supposed to scan this bloody computer for the 3rd time).
damn, so full of virus. x reti jaga comp ke? dh laa simpan movie x best. porn pown xde ke?
wtf laa org nih.
Seriously craving for : more games, gud movies n myb some gud cuisine to fill my empty stomach. or myb juz a bed to lie on.
n an air-con.
n my teddy.
not to mention my bantal busyuk.
Currently experiencing : maximum level of boredom(ALERT!), n a bit of a wedgie here n thr. argh!