Aku Dengar Berita

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Yesterday I was watching the news at 8 o'clock n one of the newscaster reported sumthing that caught my attention.
newscaster : Mereka berdua berkepala botak.
Tapi yg musykil nye apabila polis memeriksa bagasi mereka, 12 botol penyembur rambut dijumpai.
Polis membuka botol penyembur rambut tersebut dan memjumpai dadah jenis heroin seberat 6.3kg.
me :Hahaha! Buat lawak jer. Nak seludup dadah pown pandai2 la ckit. Pergh!

So Far In My Insignificant Life

Monday, February 1, 2010
I cnt believe im saying this but I reallyreallyreally miss school life. High school life to b precise.
Heck, I feel empty n lost every single day. Like some huge chunk of my life went missing. I realy miss school. I miss my frens n all the stuff dat we did 2gether. All the memories dat we shared. Either fun, happy, crazy, good, sad, depressed, bad, or even angry moments. I miss them all.
When im happy, u were always thr 2 share my laughter n smiles.
When im down, u were thr 2 pull me back up on my feet.
When im sad, u were thr 2 cheer me up.
Wat i'll do without u...
Some of u may kno dat I ALWAYS have a row wit my parents. esp my mom. Not that im saying it's not entirely my fault.
This afternoon, me n my mom had another go at it. N this time I admit, it was clearly my fault. N I am terribly sorry about it, mom...
Didn't get the chance 2 say it 2 her face yet cuz she was definitely mad. Enraged more like it.
Seeing her like dat made me regret my actions more n more. Seriously, it hurts 2 my hearts core. I shed tears of regret alone in my room. I felt the bitter taste of distress as I lie thr in gloom.