Get ready for Easy Maths

Monday, November 24, 2008
Its been long since I posted. Been busy wit all the kenduri n all the stuffs. Day before yesterday, I got a call from Afiq n we talked about ways 2 get rid of X if he bothers us during Easy Maths. All ways written can be used during almost all situtations if he invites one of us 2 join him in sumthing.

  1. If he invites us let's say 2 eat, we can always say we're not hungry. Or if he wants 2 take a bath, we're not smelly. Say it even if u are. Just remember that willpower is much stronger than hunger n body odour(willpower? or is it hate?).
  2. Same situations as above, another way is to say that we'll go n ask another friend 2 join us. After that, dun come bck. Or u can say that u n ur friend got sumthing 2 do.
  3. If both didnt work, we can always use plan C. The most diabolical n mean plan among all three. Just act like his a pest n say that u dun want 2. If he keeps bothering us again, we'll say it to his face 2 go 2 *tuut*(WARNING. Parental discresion needed).

Ok, I dun want 2 say anymore eventhough there's a lot more ways 2 get rid of X. My head's spinning n I got 2 go out rite now.
Ideas courtesy of Serenade X, Sakkara, n Arif


Encik Penulis said...

haha. si comel..,

Kimmy said...

sapakh si comel yg kamu refer 2?
adakh die dlm post ini?

Encik Penulis said...
